Let our Clinical Nutritionist guide you to boost your body, through individualized dietary and lifestyle changes. Work from the inside to reduce the signs of aging and diseases of aging, improve skin conditions, enhance skin radiance and glow, reduce inflammation, remove excess weight, and improve overall vitality and wellbeing. Update to the 2.0 version of you!
A formal consultation with our Clinical Nutritionist Lonneke, who specializes in Antiaging and Beauty Nutrition will help you to discover areas in your diet and lifestyle that are lacking or need improvement for enhanced wellbeing and beauty/antiaging. Our Nutritionist will look at all aspects of your life, paying particular attention on what you put into and onto your body. After gathering details, taking measurements, and collecting data the Nutritionist will develop a personalized treatment plan specific to your goals, no goal is too big or too small. The treatment plan will start for three weeks, and will get re-assessed every three weeks, which may continue depending on the results desired. The aim is to initiate changes in the diet and lifestyle that are at a pace that you are comfortable with, work with your current lifestyle and promote long-term beneficial changes. Relevant information, recipes, supplements and on-going motivation will be provided during the treatment time. Other tools for analysis may be used during this time to enhance results and will be discussed with you.